Account Scoring

Account scoring means ranking prospects based on their likelihood of becoming your customers. The scoring is done using account data aligning with the ideal characteristics of ICP. Accounts are also ranked on criteria like industry, size, business model, and sales insights.  

How to Score Accounts

  1. Identify key metrics: Pinpoint the key metrics that define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), considering factors like company size, decision-makers, scale of operation, and location. A higher score for a prospect indicates a better fit with your offering.
  1. Identify stakeholders: Locate the key stakeholders within each account who can make or influence purchase decisions. Understanding these individuals and their influence is essential for prioritizing accounts and strategizing your outreach.
  1. Establish a scoring model: Create a robust scoring model that evaluates each account based on multiple criteria, such as budget, needs, purchase history, and engagement. Weigh each according to its importance to your sales goals, ensuring high-scoring accounts are the best opportunities.
  1. Ensure sales-marketing alignment: Align your sales and marketing teams to work toward the same objectives and use the same criteria for account scoring. This synchronization improves the accuracy of scores and ensures the most promising accounts receive the right attention and resources.
  1. Segment Accounts: Segment accounts based on their scores into categories like 'high priority,' 'medium priority,' and 'low priority.' This segmentation helps your sales team focus on the most promising leads, improving efficiency and increasing the likelihood of closing deals.

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